St. Patrick’s Day started off as it always had for me growing up in NY – rainy, damp, and overcastbut without the green cupcakes my mother always made!!!

The fog was thick on the mountain as I drove into town, but, by midday, the skies were clear and warm, and the leprechauns were sunnin’ themselves!!!

I had no green to wear, but found some properly colored jewelry!! If  you aren’t  wearin’ the green, ya’ run the risk of being pinched!

Afternoon tea was green – and served in a greenish hued cup, with my Belleek honey pot and plate showing the shamrocks!

My vintage daffodils c & s, with cute little serving tray, and my bracelet!

My vintage daffodil c & s, with cute little serving tray, and my bracelet!

My 2 Belleek pieces - so fragile I almost just want to look but don't touch!!!

My 2 Belleek pieces - so fragile I almost just want to look but don't touch!!!

Spring is definitely upon us – the killdeer have begun to scope out our driveway for their for their little rock nests. They invariably pick the most inappropriate place, that we have to discover and then mark with bright orange cones – so no one inadvertently drives over the nest!

The trees have tiny buds – I picked some quince to try to force some early blooms.


Since the sun was out – I decided that along with the barn duties, I would brush the horses, and try on the ‘big guy’s’ new attire!!!

The ‘old man’ is as furry as a German Shepherd – and brushing him pulls off wads of hair that the birds will be happy to have for their nest making!

I got out the shedding blades and gently worked it over him – pulling off sun ray like circles of hair. His shaggy coat makes him look alot older than his 26 years!



They both enjoyed the brushing – standing in the warm sun, munching on hay, not a care in the world!

Then, it was time to try on the ‘big guy’s’ new duds!!! Got a great little refurbished old saddle, with pad and girth (thanks, Leah!), and a used breast collar that had to be enlarged for the ‘big guy’ (thanks, Saddle Doctor!). Between the daughter and I (mostly the daughter), we figured out how to tack him up! Being of the English/hunter jumper discipline, western  tack is something new. The big guy, Prince John, is a Missouri Fox Trotter, and was trained as a western style trail horse, but was found at a hunter jumper barn, after passing thru several owners. We are finally getting him back to what he knows.

I caught on to the neck reining thing pretty quickly – and I think I am going to like the western style- I think John breathed a sigh of relief- probably thinking, geez, she finally got it right!!!! LOL

John in his new duds!!!

John in his new duds!!!

With a few minor adjustments, and one more saddle strap for the back, and more practice on my part, we should be good to go!!! We are not going for style – recycled tack is fine with us!!!

Not that we go too far – I am not the best rider, and we just ride around our property, taking care to steer clear of the ever frightening cows, hogs, ground hog holes, and chicken house fans!!!

These horses, and I, have our forever homes, here at Mountain Meadows, and are just takin’ life easy……………………………


All is well at Mountain Meadows at the end of this sunny St. Patrick’s Day……